Thursday, November 3, 2011

When You Least Expect It...

When you least expect comes walking in! :) These past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. Thoughts of adoption, new evaluation system at school, and my classroom has been a revolving door of subs to help out in Pre-K land. 

Then, one day after my students had left, two of my colleagues came walking in my room. They surprised me by kicking off a fundraiser that was not only being done at my school, but  at my mom's school as well! They wanted to help raise money to bring baby "O" home to a forever family! Staff members can wear jeans to work for every five dollar sticker they purchase. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and huge hearts of these two schools. I'm forever grateful!

Then love walked in again in the shape of a sweet little girl named Kate. She was raising money by running laps to support her school. Kate and her mom decided that instead of running laps for school, Kate would run laps for my baby to come home. Several people donated money per lap. Here's where it gets fun...I thought that Kate would run maybe 5 to 7 laps....but Kate the GREAT amazed us all...she ran 36 LAPS!!!! :) So far the total is $660.00. 

Love walked in on my life when I least expected it. I am so grateful for two staffs full of amazing people, and for Kate who showed us all that you are never too small to be used by God in a HUGE way! :) 

Love to you all and thank you for helping to bring my baby home...

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